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How to win at slots

Slots are a tricky game. Once you’ve put your well-earned coins in, it’s up to fate to decide whether the symbols will come in for you or not. Or... is it really that simple? Many people think they know how to win at slots, but do they really? This game of chance does hold a few different secrets that any serious player should know.

Understand the algorithms

One of the most important aspects when playing slots is the ability to understand the game's algorithms. It doesn't matter whether you're a newbie or a seasoned professional, everyone knows that sometimes slot machines run hot - and well... sometimes they don't.

One of the biggest mistakes slot players make is thinking that they 'know' when a win is coming in. We've all had those gut feelings before, especially when playing at casinos, but it can become problematic if you repeatedly push this feeling. It's one thing to flutter a bet on this every now and again, and it's another thing entirely to chase this situation to prove yourself right.

There is no way to know when a machine is going to pay out, and too many players tell themselves that they'll withdraw funds at the next milestone - usually a nice and round number. This isn't how games of chance work though, and while the casino doesn't steal it all away from you at the end, it can certainly feel that way when you're clawing to reach that self-imposed finish line.

One of the better things you can do - no matter how counter intuitive it sounds - is to take a break as soon as your winning streak ends. Put the phone down, or step away from the machine, and go for a little walk. Go and get a drink, maybe look out of the window.

This will stop you from chasing unnecessarily, and hopefully, keep more of those winnings to yourself, rather than pouring them back into the reels. Not only that, but once you've had the chance to clear your head, you'll be able to decide whether you want to withdraw the funds or to keep playing.

Play the right game

Despite slot games all sharing those spinning wheels mechanics, different symbols and rush of excitement - they are actually very different. Some slot games have mini-games while others are linked to progressive jackpots, and that's not even touching upon the volatility and Return-To-Player (RTP) amounts that will differ from one game to the next.

If you want to learn how to win at slots, then it's important to understand which game is right for you. The first thing you should do is to check out a guide on the different kinds of slot games, so that you can get familiar with the different terms that are used with them. It's easy to play a few different slots from an online casino and make a judgement on the whole genre.

The truth of the matter is, though, that there are dozens of different styles of slots gameplay. If you want a relaxing time, with lots of small wins to tide you over, then go for a slot with low volatility - On the other hand, if you only care about those big, exciting jackpots, then you want a game with high volatility.

But also play to your strengths

Once you've figured out what the different terms mean and what you prefer, you should also factor in what your strengths are as an individual. Of course, as slots are naturally a game of chance, this can feel quite difficult to counter. So, let's take a look at what you could do.

Patience is a big factor. This relates to the previous point about volatility - you have to match up your patience well to this aspect, or you're going to find the game frustrating. But then, perhaps if you're a naturally impatient person, slots might not be for you at all.

If you don't mind switching games often, then also keep an eye out for promotions and offers, such as free spins. These are often offered by the casino itself, so it can pay off to do some research in this area to find out who is offering the biggest deal.

Another factor to consider is your bankroll. There's no shame in playing penny slots if you don't want to risk the big bucks, nor if you just want to play for longer. Many operators provide incentives to bet bigger, but you need to figure out for yourself if this is something that you want. Sure, they might offer you 3x the prizes if you bet 2x your wager, but at the end of the day, you might simply not want to do this.

Get some practice in

As with any casino game, you should know how to play before you sit down. Thankfully, you can actually practice how to win at slots before you even put down any money. Let us explain how.

Many sites will allow you to play slot games for free - of course, with no pay outs either, let's be realistic - so you can get familiar with the games. These will often be affiliate sites, or slot review sites, which means that they'll also provide you with plenty of information on the game too. They might have some tips on the specific game too, such as ways to trigger the features more often!

Once you've mastered the art of slot machines, you can then consider heading to an online casino of your choice and seeing if anything in the library catches your eye. Alternatively, you can head to the local land-based casino to see if they have anything that takes your fancy. The world is your oyster, once you know what you're doing.

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